Scavenging is a feature that will remove expired records based on their time stamps.
Scavenging is not enabled by default.
Scavenging will NOT remove statically configured records, the ones you manually create unless you run dnscmd /AgeAllRecords, which will stamp them making them eligible for scavenging (more below on this). Without running this command, DNS will scavenge dynamically updated records that have reached their time stamp. To look at the time stamps of a record using Windows 2003 DNS, put the DNS console “view” in the menu to Advanced View, then look at the individual record properties, and you will see the time stamp. If using Windows 2008 or or newer, it will show up in the console as a separate column.
Vulnerability in SSL 3.0 Could Allow Information Disclosure
- Disable SSL 3.0 and enable TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 in Group Policy You can disable the SSL 3.0 protocol that is affected by this vulnerability. You can do this by modifying the Turn Off Encryption Support Group Policy Object.
- Open Group Policy Management.
- Select the group policy object to modify, right click and select Edit.
- In the Group Policy Management Editor, browse to the following setting:Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Internet Explorer -> Internet Explorer Control Panel -> Advanced Page -> Turn Off Encryption Support
- Double-click the Turn off Encryption Support setting to edit the setting.
- Click Enabled.
- In the Options window, change the Secure Protocol combinations setting to “Use TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2“.
- Click OK.
- Disable SSL 3.0 and enable TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 in Internet Explorer You can disable the SSL 3.0 protocol that is affected by this vulnerability. You can do this by modifying the Advanced Security settings in Internet Explorer.To change the default protocol version to be used for HTTPS requests, perform the following steps:
- On the Internet Explorer Tools menu, click Internet Options.
- In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
- In the Security category, uncheck Use SSL 3.0 and check Use TLS 1.0, Use TLS 1.1, and Use TLS 1.2 (if available).
- Click OK.
- Exit and restart Internet Explorer.
How to Autoredirect a Page with Java or HTML
<title>A web page that points a browser to a different page after 2 seconds</title>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2; URL=">
<meta name="keywords" content="automatic redirection">
If your browser doesn't automatically go there within a few seconds,
you may want to go to
<a href="">the destination</a>
…or it can done with JavaScript. This JavaScript example opens the new site in a new browser window after a 4.5-second (4500 ms) delay:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
// -->
OWA Showing Blank Page
I am presented with the OWA Authentication page and enter my credentials and then it throws an “HTTP 500” error instead of opening the mailbox.
You tried to issue an “IISReset /NoForce” and even rebooted the server and still see the symptom.
So the issues is typically caused by the “Microsoft Exchange Forms-Based Authentication” service being in a stopped state. Starting the service immediately fixes the issue.
- Open the Registry Editor and run it as administrator.For example, in Windows 2012 or 2008r2:
- On the Start screen type regedit.exe.
- Right-click on regedit.exe and click Run as administrator.
- In the Registry Editor window, go to:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProvidersSchannelProtocols
- In the navigation tree, right-click on Protocols, and in the pop-up menu, click New > Key.
- Name the key, SSL 3.0.
- In the navigation tree, right-click on the new SSL 3.0 key that you just created, and in the pop-up menu, click New > Key.
- Name the key, Client.
- In the navigation tree, right-click on the new SSL 3.0 key again, and in the pop-up menu, click New > Key.
- Name the key, Server.
- In the navigation tree, under SSL 3.0, right-click on Client, and in the pop-up menu, click New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
- Name the value DisabledByDefault.
- In the navigation tree, under SSL 3.0, select Client and then, in the right pane, double-click the DisabledByDefault DWORD value.
- In the Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value window, in the Value Data box change the value to 1 and then, click OK.
- In the navigation tree, under SSL 3.0, right-click on Server, and in the pop-up menu, click New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
- Name the value Enabled.
- In the navigation tree, under SSL 3.0, select Server and then, in the right pane, double-click the Enabled DWORD value.
- In the Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value window, in the Value Data box leave the value at 0 and then, click OK.
- Restart the server.
- You have successfully disabled the SSL v3 protocol.
Forgotten the Password for Your RSA SecureID SuperAdmin Account?
In order to reset the password for the Admin account, we could create a temporary superadmin account (i.e. tempAdmin).
Run the superadmin restoration utility via CLI/ serial console:
- Login using the account emcsrv and key in the password when prompted.
- Change to root and key in the password when prompted:
% sudo su
- Navigate to the directory where the superadmin restoration utility resides to create the temporary superadmin account:
% cd /usr/opt/rsa/am/utils
% ./rsautil restore-admin –u [tempadmin_name] –p [password]
[tempadmin_name] – the temporary superadmin account to be created
[password] – the password for the temporary superadmin account
Enter Master Password: **********
A temporary admin will be created with the user ID ‘tempAdmin’.
Are you sure you want to continue (Y/N): Y
Admin created successfully.
- Login to the Security Console using the created account tempAdmin.
- Go to Identity > Users > Manage Existing and search for the superadmin account whose password need to be reset.
- From the Context menu, select Edit and scroll to the section labelled as Password.
- Key in the desired password for this superadmin account and click Save.
Note that the temporary superadmin account created will expire in 24 hours.
Ohh Yeah,
I got it working, Installed JetPack on my WordPress site to integrate WordPress with FaceBook. – And Google+
Server’s Certificate cannot be Checked
When your Administration dashboard in VMware Horizon View 5.3 reports the error: Server’s certificate cannot be checked
View Administration dashboard displays Connection Server in red status.
View Administration dashboard displays Security Server in red status.
Clicking Connection Server in View Administration displays this error:
Connection Server certificate is not trusted
Clicking Security Server in View Administration displays this error:
Server’s certificate cannot be checked
You are able to connect externally through the Security Server.
The certificates on the server are valid.
This issue occurs if the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) includes a URL that cannot be accessed from the Connection Server paired to the Security Server.
To resolve this issue, ensure that the Connection Servers that are paired with Security Servers are able to check the URL in the Certificate Revocation List (CRL), if your environment includes a proxy server that controls Internet access.
To work around this issue, create a CertificateRevocationCheckType registry string in Windows Registry.
Note: This procedure modifies the Windows registry. Before making any registry modifications, ensure that you have a current and valid backup of the registry and the virtual machine. For more information on backing up and restoring the registry, see the Microsoft article 136393.
To create a CertificateRevocationCheckType registry string in Windows Registry:
Note: If you are using multiple connection servers, you need to make this registry modification on all Connection Servers.
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareVMware, Inc.VMware VDMSecurity in the View Connection Server. Caution: Ensure that you make changes in the Connection Server and not the Security Server.
- Create the CertificateRevocationCheckType registry string (REG_SZ) and set its value to 1.
Configuring Kiosk Mode on Your Windows XP Computer
I know this is really, really old – but, I was asked this question the other day and wanted to bookmark it on my site for future reference.
When I boot my Windows XP computer, I would like to always boot into a specific user account and I would like that user account to run an executable other than Windows Explorer (explorer.exe), such as a LabVIEW executable, otherwise known as Kiosk Mode. How can I accomplish this?
Kiosk Mode is useful when you want to have a dedicated computer or user account to boot directly into a specific executable other than Windows Explorer (explorer.exe). This restricts the user’s access to other aspects of the computer.
To configure the computer to automatically log into a specific user account, you will need to modify the Windows Registry. Do this carefully by following these steps:
Click Start»Run.
Type the command regedit. Click OK.
Browse to the following registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE»Software»Microsoft»Windows NT»CurrentVersion»Winlogon.
Double-click the DefaultUserName entry and enter in the name of the user account that you want to automatically log into. Click OK.
Double-click the DefaultPassword entry and enter in the password for the user account that you want to log into. Click OKIf there is not a DefaultPassword entry, create the value using the following steps:
Go to Edit»New»String Value.
Name the new value DefaultPassword and press Enter.
Double-click the newly created entry and enter in the password for the user account that you want to log into. Click OK.
NOTE: If no DefaultPassword string is specified, Windows XP automatically changes the value of the AutoAdminLogon registry key from 1 (true) to 0 (false) to turn off the AutoAdminLogonfeature.
Double click the AutoAdminLogon entry and enter in 1 for its Value Data. Click OK.If there is not an AutoAdminLogon entry, create the value using the following steps:
Go to Edit»New»String Value.
Name the new value AutoAdminLogon and press Enter.
Double-click the newly created entry and enter in 1 for its Value Data. Click OK.
Close the Registry Editor by going to File»Exit or by clicking the red X in the top right corner of the window.
Restart the computer by going to Start»Shutdown and then select Restart.
To configure a specific account to boot into Kiosk Mode, you will need to modify the Windows Registry. Do this carefully by following these steps:
Log into the user account that you wish to boot into Kiosk Mode.
Click Start»Run.
Type the command regedit. Click OK.
Browse toHKEY_CURRENT_USER»Software»Microsoft»Windows NT»CurrentVersion»Winlogon.
Add a new string value to this registry by going to Edit»New»String Value and name it Shell.
Double-click on this new string value and enter in the path to the executable you want to run instead of explorer.exe (e.g. C:LV StartupMyLabVIEWVI.exe).
Log out of the user account and log back in.
By combining these two configurations, you can set up your Windows XP machine to automatically bypass the user logon screen and boot into a specific user account that will run any executable you build instead of Windows Explorer (explorer.exe). You may want to customize the appearance of the executable by modifying its VI Properties. For example, you can have the executable maximize to fill the entire screen by changing the Position option is set to Maximized in the Window Run-Time Position category. You can also customize the Windows Appearance category so that user cannot close or resize the executable.
TIP: If you want to change the executable that is being run for a specific account, but are having trouble getting back to the Registry Editor because there is no longer a Start Menu, you can press Ctrl-Alt-Delete and select to run the Task Manager (if it not already running). Then select File»New Task (Run…) and type regedit in the box that pops up and click OK. This will run the Registry Editor.
Setting Up a New CRM Service, SuiteCRM
PHP Notice: Undefined index: custom in /var/www/html/themes/Suite7/css/colourSelector.php on line 95, referer:
PHP Notice: Undefined index: modlink in /var/www/html/themes/Suite7/css/colourSelector.php on line 70, referer:
I was getting these errors in my apache log, I am sure due to fact I changed colors in the theme, which I think is a real neat way of modifying the theme or this also happens when you use standard theme colors, which it probably does.
To get rid of this, i added to /var/www/html/config_override.php the following two lines:
$sugar_config['colourselector']['modlink'] = 'EEEEEE';
$sugar_config['colourselector']['custom'] = 'EEEEEE';