
Multiple-NIC vMotion in vSphere 5

  1. Log into the vSphere Client and select the host from the inventory panel.
  2. Click the Configuration tab and select Networking.
  3. Click Add Networking and choose VMkernel as the Connection Type.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Add two or more NICs to the required standard switch. You can create a new vSphere standard switch or use an existing vSwitch.Note: Ensure that all adapters are on the same network when connected to a physical Ethernet environment. If the adapters are split across switches, then all adapters must be able to communicate across those switches.
  6. Name the VMkernel portgroup (for example, vMotion-01), and assign a VLAN ID as required.
  7. Click Use this port group for vMotion, then click Next vMotion NICs
  8. Configure the IP address and subnet mask, then click Next..
  9. Click the Properties tab of the vSwitch, select the vMotion-01 portgroup, and click Edit.
  10. Click the NIC Teaming tab.
  11. Under Failover Order, select Override switch failover order.
  12. Configure the first adapter (for example, vmnic1) as active and move the second adapter (for example, vmnic3) to Unused Adapters.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Under the vSwitch Properties, click Add to create a second VMkernel portgroup.
  15. Name the VMkernel portgroup (for example, vMotion-02), and assign a VLAN ID as required.Note: Ensure that both VMkernel interfaces participating in the vMotion have the IP address from the same IP subnet.
  16. Click Use this port group for vMotion, then click Next.
  17. Configure the IP address and subnet mask, then click Next.
  18. Click the Properties tab of the vSwitch, select the vMotion-02 portgroup, and click Edit.
  19. Click the NIC Teaming tab.
  20. Under Failover Order, select Override switch failover order.
  21. Configure the second adapter (for example, vmnic3) as active and move the first adapter (for example, vmnic1) to Unused Adapters.
  22. On the Properties tab of the vSwitch, select each vMotion portgroup in turn and confirm that the active and standby adapters are the reverse of each other.
  23. I repeated the tasks above two more times because I have four nics for iSCSI traffic. Each nic went to its own physical network card, which was further bound to the Software iSCSI HBA.

In the below picture, you can see an inbound migration at the beginning of the graph, and later after the configuration you can see the same machines migrated outbound post configuration on both vHosts.

Frickin vRanger

I’ve updated our system to of vRanger Backup and Replication and found a really confounding bug – or problem with it.
We were rolling along just fine with backups worked, Everyone was happy. Then disaster happened: we lost a drive in the SAN and the database that held our logs was gone. I’m the kind of guy that likes to make things better, so with a chance to upgrade our software, since our backup logs were lost, I thought what better time to do so than now. YAY. Well when you go to make a new repository in vRanger, you’ve got to pay attention to the CaPiTaLiZaTiOn of your path, such that \\backupdevice\dir\backupfolder is not by chance \\backupdevice\dir\BackupFolder as was my case using either NFS or CIFS. Backups were failing with the message: “Backup failed: Error: 2258 – FATAL cifs_cant_mkdir CIFS can’t create the directory cifs:localhost;admin@backupdevice/public/backup/* (No such file or directory) [at cifs_mkdir:615″ where I should have had “backupdevice/public/Backup”
Oh the maddness ensues because when I went back through the installation, vRanger validates the path as correct!!! This happens on the vRanger Virtual Appliance (vRanger-VA). SO, if you get that message on a fresh install, check your path statement. – OR just use all lower case letters.

Magnuson – Moss Warranty Act – Ever Heard of it?

That claim is simply not true. If the consumer asks for the statement in writing, he will not receive it. Nevertheless, the consumer may feel uneasy about using replacement filters that are not original equipment. With the large number of do-it-yourselfers who prefer to install their own filters, this misleading claim should be corrected.

Under the Magnuson – Moss Warranty Act, 15U.S.C. SS 2301-2312 (1982) and general principles of the Federal Trade Commission Act, a manufacturer may not require the use of any brand of filter (or any other article) unless the manufacturer provides the item free of charge under the terms of the warranty.

So, if the consumer is told that only the original equipment filter will not void the warranty, he should request that the OE filter be supplied free of charge. If he is charged for the filter, the manufacturer will be violating the Magnuson – Moss Warranty Act and other applicable law.

By providing this information to consumers, the Filter Manufacturers Council can help to combat the erroneous claim that a brand of replacement filter other than the original equipment will “void the warranty.”

It should be noted that the Magnuson – Moss Warranty Act is a federal law that applies to consumer products. The Federal Trade Commission has authority to enforce the Magnuson – Moss Warranty Act, including obtaining injunctions and orders containing affirmative relief. In addition, a consumer can bring suit under the Magnuson – Moss Warranty Act.

Multiple Virtual CPUs are Causing Performance Issues

  1. Open a console prompt on the ESX host or initiate an SSH connection to it.
  2. Type esxtop and press Enter.
  3. In the CPU screen, check the %CSTP value. If this number is higher than 3.00, the performance issues may be caused by the vCPU count. Try lowering the vCPU count of the virtual machine by 1.Note: The %CSTP value represents the amount of time a virtual machine with multiple virtual CPUs is waiting to be scheduled on multiple cores on the physical host. The higher the value, the longer it waits and the worse its performance.  Lowering the number of vCPUs reduces the scheduling wait time.
  4. In vCenter, you can also edit the realtime graphs to show Co-Stop:Co-Stop

As a general rule, I recommend starting with one processor and upgrading to multi-processors if it is really necessary. Case in point: I have a DBA that wanted 8 processors for his Oracle Database, I initially gave it to him, but soon the DB began this power grab on the vHost. Once I convinced him it was his server causing the issues, we rolled the system back several processors and the DB worked much better.

Metallic vs Ceramic Brake Pads

To heck with metallic pads.
Go with ceramic pads for your disk brake needs. They don’t make as much brake dust and they last so much longer.
Another thing to consider is that instead of turning your rotors, just replace them every other time you change the pads. It just doesn’t pay to turn them anymore.
Also. Changing your pads and rotors is super easy and can be done with simple tools, the only “special” tool I used was a large C clamp. It took about 45 minutes to do both sides and I got a good health check of the car while I was under there.

GPG, Kleopatra, and PGP

I needed to make a PGP encryption system to transfer some files around. Strictly for entertainment and memory process here’s an example of the command lines you need to encrypt a file and then decrypt it.

Encrypt looks like this:

(Now sometimes you have to do this prerequisite)

gpg –edit-key email@****.com

5 (select 5 if you ultimately trust the key)

Ultimate Encryption Command:

F:test>gpg -r (NameOfCert) -o (NewEncryptedFile.pgp) -e (FileToBeEncrypted.pdf)

Decrypt looks like this:

F:test>gpg –batch –yes –passphrase (your passphrase) -o (UnencryptedOutput.xml) -d (EncryptedFileInput.pgp)
gpg: encrypted with 4096-bit RSA key, ID ********, created 2014-10-20
“Certificate Name, Description, Etc. <Email Address>”

Pre-Seeding with 2012 DFSR

I built a Windows 2012 file server to upgrade from 2008r2 I used this robocopy command to pre-seed the file server in order to speed things up.

robocopy.exe “\source serverd$” “d:” /b /e /copyall /r:6 /xd dfsrprivate /log:robo.log /tee /MT

We started using dfsr to populate the machine initially but it was taking too long and pulling from a remote server. Using the robocopy pre-seed command copied the files from a local host and executed at line speed – resulting in a much faster time to completion.

Also, don’t forget to take advantage of the new feature in Windows 2012, De-Duplication…. I’m saving over 20-30% on my file servers now that I’ve enabled dedupe.


I’ve had to come back and edit this because I discovered something that really helps ease the mind while performing the above operation. – and is something that should be done to spot check the system before introducing a pre seeded system into DFS. Check your hash for the directories and files to make sure that they are identical. This will allow a faster delta transition time between the old and new systems.


C:Windowssystem32>dfsrdiag filehash /filepath:\onrfs01d$vacancy_monitoring

File Hash: DBCCC7FA-E523939F-835B14D5-31020191

Operation Succeeded
C:Windowssystem32>dfsrdiag filehash /filepath:\onrfs02d$vacancy_monitoring

File Hash: DBCCC7FA-E523939F-835B14D5-31020191

Operation Succeeded

Setup High Availability with Sophos 9.x

Today I wanted to take advantage of installing a passive instance of Sophos UTM 9.x (we use version 9.307006 at the moment)

Our installation is entirely virtual, we only have virtual hosts, ESXi 5.5 2456374, Force10 Switches and SAN gear.

First thing to do is get your UTM setup and configured the way you want it. Put a couple extra nics in there for the future, get basic firewall functionality setup and “everything” working. OR, if you’ve already got a UTM setup, start by logging into your UTM shell as root and enter the following command:

cc set ha advanced virtual_mac 0

The above MUST be done for the HA system to work in the vmWare environment.

Next, clone your existing system. I have an even/odd numbered vhost scheme going on so I changed the name of the existing UTM to UTM01 and cloned it from vHost01 to vHost02 as UTM02.

Once the clone snapshot completed, I logged into the UTM01 and went to:

Management, High Availability, and clicked the Configuration tab.

Here, select Hot Standby (active-passive)

Below in Configuration, select your NIC, I used the last one added to the system. (eth7)

Then enter the device name (csutm01) and a device node select 1 and set an encryption key.


Go ahead and apply all your settings, (click both apply buttons)

By now your clone should be done, DO NOT POWER IT ON.

Right click the VM, and disconnect all network cards except the one connected to the HA network.

Now, power up the UTM02 and open the console. Wait for the system to come to the login screen and use your root credentials to login.

Now we will reset the configuration of the UTM02 to factory. MAKE SURE you are on the CORRECT SYSTEM!!

So, login as root,

cc (enter)

RAW (enter)

system_factory_reset (enter)

The system will power off when complete. Once it has powered off, reconnect your internal interface. Power back up again and go through the basic setup settings. The only thing required is an internal network. Don’t configure anything else. (may have to add a license file)

Once the system allows you to login,  go to

Management, High Availability, and clicked the Configuration tab.

Here, select Hot Standby (active-passive)

Below in Configuration, select your NIC, I used the last one added to the system. (eth7)

Then enter the device name (csutm02) and a device node select 2 and set an encryption key.

Go ahead and apply all your settings, (click both apply buttons)

The web interface will lock up indicating that you have lost connection to the secondary UTM02.

You should already be logged in to UTM01 and if you go to the High Availability menu, you should see the system UTM01 Active, or Master and the UTM02 status Syncing. It takes about 15 minutes for the system to stabilize so be patient.

There you have it. the above steps are exactly how I set up my three data centers and a development environment. If you have any troubles please feel free to send me a message