Comprehensive Landscape Solutions with iLandClearing

We want to announce our latest addition to the Matavesi International holdings.

iLandClearing can help you with property landscape management tasks big or small. From demolition to pasture management. We can build and maintain trails across your property for fun and functional use. We are skilled in desert restoration and erosion control.

Our equipment is a Kubota 75 horsepower track steer machine and is capable of running in any climate.

We have attachments that include:

  • Rotary Disk Mulcher – can demolish trees up to 8 inches and mow heavy grass
  • Hydraulic Auger – we can dig a hole 8 inches in diameter up to 12 inches. and 8 feet deep
  • Tree Stump digger – this attachment can dig up stubborn roots and push trees over
  • Grapple Blade – for bundling vegetation or destruction of a building
  • 74″ Flat Blade – for general grading, moving of materials, or cutting a pathway
  • Trencher Blade – a 60 inch by 6 inch blade for digging trenches for waterlines, sewer, or electrical and data lines.
  • 74″ Box Blade – for ripping and also leveling land, very useful for pathways and food plots

Head on over to to schedule your consultation today!

Multi Project Build Scripts for Jenkins

Write-Host "This script is for building a single project (.csproj) within a Solution (.sln)"
Write-Host "and is a .NET Application using this specific build script"

# Print environment details
Write-Host "VERSION                : $ENV:VERSION"
$version = "$ENV:VERSION"

# Define solutionName, solutionDir, projectDir, and projectName
$solutionName = $env:SLN_NAME
Write-Host "SOLUTION NAME          : $solutionName"
$solutionDir = $ENV:WORKSPACE
Write-Host "SOLUTION DIRECTORY     : $solutionDir"
Write-Host "PROJECT DIRECTORY      : $projectDir"
$projectName = $ENV:JOB_NAME
Write-Host "PROJECT NAME           : $ENV:JOB_NAME"

# Define flags for nuget operations (not currently utilized properly except for display)
$nugetPack = $false
Write-Host "NUGET PACK             : $nugetPack"
$nugetDeploy = $false
Write-Host "NUGET DEPLOY           : $nugetDeploy"

# Target framework (only utilized for display)
$framework = "net8.0"
Write-Host "TARGET FRAMEWORK       : $framework"

# Define NUGET paths, csproject name and directory, and NUGET Server URL and API Key
$nugetEXE = "D:\build_tools\"your nuget location"\nuget.exe"
$csprojectPath = "$projectDir\$projectName.csproj"
Write-Host "PROJECT PATH           : $csprojectPath"
$nugetPackageDir = "$solutionDir\nupkgs"
Write-Host "NUGET PACKAGE DIRECTORY: $nugetPackageDir"
$nugetPublishDir = "$solutionDir\publish"
Write-Host "NUGET PUBLISH DIRECTORY: $nugetPublishDir"
$NugetServer = "https://"your nuget package server"/nuget"
Write-Host "NUGET SERVER URL       : $NugetServer"
$NugetServerKey = "your nuget server key"
Write-Host "NUGET SERVER KEY       : $NugetServerKey"

# Clean and Create necessary directories
if (Test-Path $nugetPackageDir) {
    Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: Delete Directory $nugetPackageDir"
    Remove-Item -Path $nugetPackageDir -Recurse -Force

Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: Create Directory $nugetPackageDir"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $nugetPackageDir

if (Test-Path $nugetPublishDir) {
    Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: Delete Directory $nugetPublishDir"
    Remove-Item -Path $nugetPublishDir -Recurse -Force

Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: Create Directory $nugetPublishDir"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $nugetPublishDir

# Define the Solution location
$slnPath = "$solutionDir\$solutionName.sln"
Write-Host "Solution Path         : $slnPath"

# Run dotnet restore
Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: dotnet restore $slnPath"
dotnet restore $projectDir

Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: dotnet clean $projectDir --configuration Release --verbosity quiet"
dotnet clean $projectDir --configuration "Release" --verbosity quiet

# Change to the $projectDir (ensure that we are in the project directory)
cd $projectDir
Write-Host "CURRENT DIRECTORY           : $projectDir"

# Run dotnet build
Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: dotnet build $csprojectPath --configuration Release --verbosity quiet -p:PackageVersion=$version"
dotnet build $csprojectPath --configuration "Release" --verbosity quiet -p:PackageVersion=$version

# Run dotnet publish
Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: dotnet publish $projectDir --configuration Release --verbosity quiet -p:PackageVersion=$version --framework $framework --output $nugetPublishDir"
dotnet publish $projectDir --configuration "Release" --verbosity quiet -p:PackageVersion=$version --framework "$framework" --output $nugetPublishDir

# Change to the $nugetPublishDir (ensure that we are in the publish directory)
cd $nugetPublishDir
Write-Host "CURRENT DIRECTORY           : $nugetPublishDir"

# NuGet operations
Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: NUGET spec $projectName"
& $nugetEXE spec $projectName

Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: Nuget PACK $projectName.nuspec -OutputDirectory $nugetPackageDir -Version $version"
& $nugetEXE pack "$projectName.nuspec" -OutputDirectory $nugetPackageDir -Version $version

Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: Completed Tasks"

Jenkins Nuget Package Build Script

Here is a powershell build script for creating NUGET packages on a Jenkins Server.

I recently had to rewrite these due to moving Jenkins from one server to the next and went all out using variables defined.

Write-Host "This Script is for Compiling Nuget Packages"

# Print environment details
Write-Host "VERSION                : $env:VERSION"
$version = "$env:VERSION"

# Define solutionName, solutionDir, projectDir, and projectName
$solutionName = $env:SLN_NAME
Write-Host "SOLUTION NAME          : $solutionName"
$solutionDir = $ENV:WORKSPACE
Write-Host "SOLUTION DIRECTORY     : $solutionDir"
Write-Host "PROJECT DIRECTORY      : $projectDir"
$projectName = $ENV:JOB_NAME
Write-Host "PROJECT NAME           : $ENV:JOB_NAME"

# Define flags for nuget operations (not currently utilized properly except for display)
$nugetPack = $true
Write-Host "NUGET PACK             : $nugetPack"
$nugetDeploy = $true
Write-Host "NUGET DEPLOY           : $nugetDeploy"

# Target framework (only utilized for display)
$framework = "net8.0"
Write-Host "TARGET FRAMEWORK       : $framework"

# Change to the $ENV:Workspace (ensure that we are in the workspace directory)
cd $ENV:Workspace
Write-Host "CURRENT DIRECTORY           : $ENV:Workspace"

# Define NUGET paths, csproject name and directory, and NUGET Server URL and API Key
$nugetEXE = D:\build_tools\"your nuget location"\nuget.exe
$csprojectPath = "$projectDir\$ENV:JOB_NAME.csproj"
Write-Host "PROJECT PATH           : $csprojectPath"
$nugetPackageDir = "$solutionDir\nupkgs"
Write-Host "NUGET PACKAGE DIRECTORY: $nugetPackageDir"
$nugetPublishDir = "$solutionDir\publish"
Write-Host "NUGET PUBLISH DIRECTORY: $nugetPublishDir"
$NugetServer = "https://"your nuget package server"/nuget"
Write-Host "NUGET SERVER URL       : $NugetServer"
$NugetServerKey = "your nuget server key"
Write-Host "NUGET SERVER KEY       : $NugetServerKey"

# Clean and Create necessary directories
if (Test-Path $nugetPackageDir) {
    Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: Delete Directory $nugetPackageDir"
    Remove-Item -Path $nugetPackageDir -Recurse -Force

Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: Create Directory $nugetPackageDir"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $nugetPackageDir

if (Test-Path $nugetPublishDir) {
    Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: Delete Directory $nugetPublishDir"
    Remove-Item -Path $nugetPublishDir -Recurse -Force

Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: Create Directory $nugetPublishDir"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $nugetPublishDir

# Define the Solution location
$slnPath = "$solutionDir\$solutionName.sln"
Write-Host "Solution Path         : $slnPath"
# Run dotnet restore
Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: dotnet restore $slnPath"
dotnet restore $slnPath -v q

# Run dotnet build
Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: dotnet build $csprojectPath -c Release --version-suffix $version --verbosity quiet"
dotnet build $csprojectPath -c Release --version-suffix $version --verbosity quiet

# Change to the $projectDir (ensure that we are in the project directory)
cd $projectDir
Write-Host "CURRENT DIRECTORY           : $projectDir"

# Run nuget pack
Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: dotnet pack -c Release --no-restore -o $nugetPackageDir --version-suffix $version --verbosity quiet"
dotnet pack -c Release --no-restore -o $nugetPackageDir --version-suffix $version --verbosity quiet

# Display completed tasks
Write-Host "DOTNET BUILD: Completed Tasks"

# Define the NuGet Package Name
$NugetPackageName = "$ENV:JOB_NAME.$version.nupkg"
Write-Host "NUGET: Nuget Package Name: $NugetPackageName"

#Change to the $nugetPackageDir (ensure that we are in the NUPKG directory)
cd $nugetPackageDir
Write-Host "CURRENT PATH           : $nugetPackageDir"
# Push the package to the NuGet server
Write-Host "NUGET: Push "$NugetPackageName" -k $NugetServerKey -s $NugetServer"
dotnet nuget push "$NugetPackageName" -k $NugetServerKey -s $NugetServer

# Display completed tasks
Write-Host "NUGET: Completed Tasks"

Schannel Again in 2024

Getting loads of schannel errors in my log server every day, I decided to hunt them down.

Turns out that under Internet Options a GPO was misconfigured to allow sslv3 traffic.

Disabling this SSLv3 as shown below with a GPO or individually solves this log entry spam.

Apache Reverse Proxy Detail

edit the proxy.conf – vi /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-proxy.conf

Load necessary modules

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule ssl_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_wstunnel_module modules/

Load lbmethod modules

LoadModule lbmethod_bybusyness_module modules/
LoadModule lbmethod_byrequests_module modules/
LoadModule lbmethod_bytraffic_module modules/
LoadModule lbmethod_heartbeat_module modules/

Load additional proxy modules

LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_express_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_fcgi_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_fdpass_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_hcheck_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_scgi_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_uwsgi_module modules/

Edit your sites’ .conf file – vi /etc/httpd/sites-enabled/

VirtualHost *:443

SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/yourcert.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/yourprivatekey_privatekey.key
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/bundle.crt

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} =websocket [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Connection} upgrade [NC]
RewriteRule /(.*) "ws://backendserverIP:portnumber/$1" [P,L]

ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / http://backendserverIP:portnumber/
ProxyPassReverse / http://backendserverIP:portnumber/

ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/ combined


Restart HTTPD and test out your new site!

Testing a YouTube Feed

GoPro Flyaround

HTTPS Security Settings for Apache

Well I got into some interesting spaces when I found this site :


In order to get an A+ rating for my blog, I went through all the suggested routines and while I won’t detail them, below is what I have landed on for what works on my WordPress site.

Inject this into your .htaccess file on your Apache webserver

Header set Content-Security-Policy “upgrade-insecure-requests”

Header set Strict-Transport-Security “max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload”

Header set X-Xss-Protection “1; mode=block”

Header set Referrer-Policy “strict-origin”

Header set Permissions-Policy “geolocation=self”

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “https://**”

Header set Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy “unsafe-none”

Header set Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy “unsafe-none”

Header set Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy “same-site”

Phishing Events and CyberSecurity

I can’t tell you guys how important it is to be vigilant over the next few months, you will be distracted with holiday events and other social engagements.

If not already, you will be bombarded with scam phone calls and emails. Please! DO. NOT. RESPOND. to those emails and phone calls. Mark them as SPAM and/or phishing and delete them.

The most recent examples relating to phone calls are for people looking to get your social security number, Medicaid, and credit card information. It will be a foreign sounding individual with a “normal” sounding name, like “Robin” or “John” – Hang up on that person immediately!

The most recent examples relating to scam emails is someone “responding” to an email and BCC’ing you with a “what’s this” or  “what is this” and below will be an invoice looking for payment. Mark as SPAM and DELETE THIS EMAIL!!!

There will be variations of this theme, but it is all the same, they want your money and your personal information so that they can trick other individuals to give them their money!

IF you use a password manager like LastPass, I strongly urge you to change all your passwords and keep them in either a different password manager or in a notebook in a safe place in your home.

Hacking is serious business, with serious consequences for those not careful to avoid from being hacked.

It is up to everyone here to keep your organization safe.