Server’s Certificate cannot be Checked

When your Administration dashboard in VMware Horizon View 5.3 reports the error: Server’s certificate cannot be checked
View Administration dashboard displays Connection Server in red status.
View Administration dashboard displays Security Server in red status.
Clicking Connection Server in View Administration displays this error:

Connection Server certificate is not trusted

Clicking Security Server in View Administration displays this error:

Server’s certificate cannot be checked

You are able to connect externally through the Security Server.
The certificates on the server are valid.

This issue occurs if the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) includes a URL that cannot be accessed from the Connection Server paired to the Security Server.

To resolve this issue, ensure that the Connection Servers that are paired with Security Servers are able to check the URL in the Certificate Revocation List (CRL), if your environment includes a proxy server that controls Internet access.

To work around this issue, create a CertificateRevocationCheckType registry string in Windows Registry.

Note: This procedure modifies the Windows registry. Before making any registry modifications, ensure that you have a current and valid backup of the registry and the virtual machine. For more information on backing up and restoring the registry, see the Microsoft article 136393.

To create a CertificateRevocationCheckType registry string in Windows Registry:

Note: If you are using multiple connection servers, you need to make this registry modification on all Connection Servers.

  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareVMware, Inc.VMware VDMSecurity in the View Connection Server. Caution: Ensure that you make changes in the Connection Server and not the Security Server.
  • Create the CertificateRevocationCheckType registry string (REG_SZ) and set its value to 1.

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