In order to reset the password for the Admin account, we could create a temporary superadmin account (i.e. tempAdmin).
Run the superadmin restoration utility via CLI/ serial console:
- Login using the account emcsrv and key in the password when prompted.
- Change to root and key in the password when prompted:
% sudo su
- Navigate to the directory where the superadmin restoration utility resides to create the temporary superadmin account:
% cd /usr/opt/rsa/am/utils
% ./rsautil restore-admin –u [tempadmin_name] –p [password]
[tempadmin_name] – the temporary superadmin account to be created
[password] – the password for the temporary superadmin account
Enter Master Password: **********
A temporary admin will be created with the user ID ‘tempAdmin’.
Are you sure you want to continue (Y/N): Y
Admin created successfully.
- Login to the Security Console using the created account tempAdmin.
- Go to Identity > Users > Manage Existing and search for the superadmin account whose password need to be reset.
- From the Context menu, select Edit and scroll to the section labelled as Password.
- Key in the desired password for this superadmin account and click Save.
Note that the temporary superadmin account created will expire in 24 hours.