
Microsoft Exchange 2010 Configuration – Allow Larger Attachments

1.Organization Configuration

Organization Configuration | Hub Transport | Global Settings tab | Transport Settings |

2.Server Configuration

Server Configuration | Hub Transport | select a HT server | Receive Connectors -> select a connector | Properties |

3.Send Connector Configuration

Organization Configuration | Hub Transport | Send Connectors -> select connector | Properties |

4.Recipients Configuration

Recipients Configuration | Mailbox | select mailbox | properties | Mail Flow Settings | Message Size Restrictions|

5.Recipients Group Configuration

Recipients Configuration |Distribution Group | select Group | properties | Mail Flow Settings | Message Size Restrictions

6.Global Setting

Please use adsiedit to connect Configuration container :

Configuration container | Services | Microsoft Exchange |YourOrgName| Global Settings | Message Delivery | Properties,check the below values:

a. delivContentLength

b. SubmissionContentLength

c. msExchRecipLimit

7.Transport Rules

Organization Configuration | Hub Transport | Transport Rules

Mailbox Size Limits Are Not Enforced in a Reasonable Period of Time


OWA Showing Blank Page

I am presented with the OWA Authentication page and enter my credentials and then it throws an “HTTP 500” error instead of opening the mailbox.

You tried to issue an “IISReset /NoForce” and even rebooted the server and still see the symptom.

So the issues is typically caused by the “Microsoft Exchange Forms-Based Authentication” service being in a stopped state. Starting the service immediately fixes the issue.