Installing Pi-Aware aka FlightAware

Buy the following:

Nooelec Dual-Band NESDR Nano 3 Premium ADS-B (978MHz UAT & 1090MHz 1090ES) Bundle for Stratux™, Avare, Foreflight, FlightAware & Other Applications. Includes 2 SDRs, 4 Antennas, 5 Adapters.

Nooelec Omnidirectional 7dBi ADS-B Antenna – 23″ Outdoor Fiberglass Antenna w/Female N-Connector, 10m RG58 Cable Extension w/SMA Connector & Mounting Hardware. Weatherproof. 1090MHz Center Frequency

Once you have all the parts together, head over to FlightAware’s page for a download of the image, or you can hand load it, which is what I did. since the Pi I used also hosts this website.

Hand Load:

Image Download: